Monday, February 11, 2019

Hagerman Bible Study 02/04/19

Matthew 5:31-4:2, Isaiah 66, John 17
Lesson Three from the book

The section from the book was titled, Learning to Trust. Keller speaks of Lass finally allowing the author to pull the angry wild rose thorns from between Lasses toes. The image of a dog lamed by thorns unable to do his master's work, gave us pause. The fact of the thorns being angry called to mind our own hurts and fears and how God could pull those thorns from our feet. Without His help, we are lamed by them.
Keller noticed that he was as much a servant as his dog, then stated, "God's gentle Spirit showed me in vivid reality the enormous condescension of Christ, who in love and self-humiliation tends human needs."
Keller speaks of a lifetime lesson, that faith was his "personal, positive response to the Word of God, to the point where" he acted in quiet trust.
As Keller noticed Lass's fidelity grow, he admitted his devotion to God fell short of his dog's devotion to the author. He realized that "God can only trust those who truly trust Him. He gives Himself in wondrous plentitude to the person whose single-minded devotion, love, and loyalty is given to the Lord."
In Isaiah 66:2, we found parallels to our lesson. God will bless those who have a humble and contrite heart. In Isaiah 66:3 we discussed those things that don't please God. and that Lass was at first wary and didn't answer and chose that in which his master didn't delight. In 66:10-14 God will nurture and heal and develop a loving relationship for those that honor Him.
We spent some time on John 17 letting it sink in, a prayer for the people of God, for us. We are not of the world like Lass discovering who she really was, not meant to chase cars and pull at leashes. We are not of this world, but we must trust God to discern our calling.
We talked of how Jesus in John 17 is feeding the world shelf-stable food, food we can draw on for a life-time. We noted that Lass would only eat what her master fed her. We spoke of how confused we are when we try to feed off the world and then want God's manna.
We turned finally to Matthew and found slim parallels. The dog is loyal unlike in Matthew, those who seek divorce.
Bible study begins at 6:30 tonight. I hope to see you there. Thanks for reading. Bev

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